Processing Payments Using Chrome River Expense
All reimbursement requests for authorized UNM business expenses incurred by UNM faculty, staff and students, as well as all such requests submitted on behalf of individuals who are not UNM employees, are to be submitted via Chrome River Expense. The provisions outlining the requirements associated with such reimbursements are documented in UNM Administrative Policy #4030 “Travel” and #4320 “Purchasing Goods off Campus”, section 5. Certain other types of “Direct Payments” to the individuals referenced above are also authorized to be processed via Chrome River Expense. The types of payments that are allowed as Direct Payments are programmed into Chrome River. In addition, as pre-determined, certain Payment Types are only allowed to certain Payee Types. Chrome River is configured to facilitate only the allowable Payee/Payment Type combinations.
This document is intended to provide information regarding the types of payments that are allowed to be processed using the various Payment Types. Requests submitted that do not meet the criteria will have to be corrected and resubmitted.
- Travel Reimbursement
- Travel Reimbursements for UNM employees and students, and for non-employees, for University business reasons, are processed in Chrome River Expense.
- Reimbursements to faculty, staff and students are subject to the provisions of Travel Policy 4030.
- In addition, reimbursements requests for student must be thoroughly explained to show the UNM benefit for the travel, as opposed to substantial benefit to the student in their education.
- For UNM employees, select “Employee Travel” from the “Report Type” drop-down list.
- For UNM students and non-employees, select the applicable choice from the “Report Type” drop-down list.
- After selecting the Report Type, select the Payee from the “Student Payee” or “Non-Employee Payee” box, as applicable.
- All of the expenses associated with a particular trip should be reported or addressed on a single Travel expense report in Chrome River.
- If certain receipts aren’t available at the time the report is submitted, or if certain common expenses (airfare, lodging, etc.) aren’t being claimed, please include an explanation.
- Attach all appropriate receipts and other information to document the expenses and the reason for the trip.
- Conference brochure/materials
- Approval of individual being reimbursed, as well as their Dean, Director or Department Head (or delegate), is required.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- Students aren’t approvers in Chrome River, therefore their approval must be documented on the “Reimbursement Approval Form” available at:
- Completed and signed form must be attached to reimbursement request.
- Non-employees (aside from students) are not required to approve.
- Reimbursement requests for UNM employees (faculty, staff or student) that are submitted, and approved by all appropriate departmental personnel greater than 60 days after the end of the business travel will be treated as additional taxable compensation to the employee.
- Applicable taxes will be withheld on next paycheck following reimbursement.
- Per IRS “accountable plan” guidelines.
- Travel Reimbursements for UNM employees and students, and for non-employees, for University business reasons, are processed in Chrome River Expense.
- Non-Travel Reimbursement/ Payment
- Non-Travel Reimbursements, and certain other pre-determined payments, for UNM employees and students, and for non-employees, for University business reasons, are processed in Chrome River Expense.
- Reimbursements to faculty, staff and students are subject to the provisions of Policy 4320.
- In addition, reimbursements requests for students must be thoroughly explained to show the UNM benefit for the payment, as opposed to substantial benefit to the student in their education.
- See Student Payment Guidelines.
- For UNM Employees, select “Employee Other” from the “Report Type” drop-down list.
- When adding expenses, use the “Employee Other” tile ONLY.
- For UNM students and non-employees, select the applicable choice from the “Report Type” drop-down list.
- After selecting the Report Type, select the Payee from the “Student Payee” or “Non-Employee Payee” box, as applicable.
- When adding expenses, use the "Other" tile ONLY.
- After selecting the Report Type, select the Payee from the “Student Payee” or “Non-Employee Payee” box, as applicable.
- Non-Travel Reimbursements, and certain other pre-determined payments, for UNM employees and students, and for non-employees, for University business reasons, are processed in Chrome River Expense.
The specific non-travel reimbursement and payment requests that may be submitted for UNM employee are as follows; select from the “Type” drop-down list when adding an expense.
- Athletic Game Officiating
- Typically only used by the Athletics Department, to make payments to individuals providing officiating services for athletic events.
- Service Provider Questionnaire (SPQ) is not required for this Payment Type.
- Any payments submitted for individuals who are UNM employees (including student employees) are reported to Payroll for inclusion as additional taxable compensation on the employee’s W-2.
- In addition, the applicable taxes on the payment are withheld on the employee’s next paycheck.
- Dues, Fees
- Reimbursement for things such as annual membership dues to an organization can be requested via this Payment Type.
- Approval of individual being reimbursed, as well the designated departmental approver, is required.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- Reimbursement requests for employees (faculty, staff or student) that are submitted, and approved by all appropriate departmental personnel greater than 60 days after the payment was made will be treated as additional taxable compensation to the employee.
- Applicable taxes will be withheld on next paycheck following reimbursement.
- Per IRS “accountable plan” guidelines".
- Goods
- Used to reimburse UNM faculty, staff or student employees for items purchased, for a University business purpose, using personal funds.
- Faculty, Staff or Students SHOULD NOT pay for services with personal funds.
- This is not allowable per policy.
- As with all payments to students, to use this process it must be clearly shown how the payment benefits UNM directly, versus the student’s education.
- If primary benefit is student’s education, process through Financial Aid.
- See Student Payment Guidelines.
- Requests over $1,000 may be allowed, but will also route to Purchasing for approval.
- Faculty or Staff that frequently have the need to make purchases on behalf of UNM should consider obtaining a University Purchasing Card (PCard) to make these purchases.
- Approval of individual being reimbursed, as well as the designated departmental personnel, is required.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- Reimbursement requests for employees (faculty, staff or student) that are submitted, and approved by all appropriate departmental personnel greater than 60 days after the payment was made will be treated as additional taxable compensation to the employee.
- Applicable taxes will be withheld on next paycheck following reimbursement.
- Per IRS “accountable plan” guidelines.
- Refund
- This is used ONLY to return funds to a UNM employee who previously paid money to UNM.
- Refund for a ticket to an event, or tuition/fee for a class that was subsequently canceled, etc.
- Return of a security deposit.
- DO NOT use this Payment Type to reimburse an employee or students for funds they spent out of pocket for a UNM business purpose.
- Use “Goods”, “Dues, Fees”, etc., as appropriate.
- No backup required, as long as the reason for the refund is thoroughly explained.
- Generally charge the refund to the account code to which the original payment was deposited.
- Typically a revenue account code.
- Refunds to UNM employees require approval by both the payee and the designated departmental personnel.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- This is used ONLY to return funds to a UNM employee who previously paid money to UNM.
- Research Study Incentives
- This Payment Type is intended only to pay an agreed upon amount to a UNM employee participating in a research study.
- Information will be reported to Payroll, and applicable taxes will be withheld on next paycheck
- Backup documentation should include general information about the study.
- If the study is confidential in nature, the detailed documentation can be kept in the department.
- Payments require payee approval and departmental approval.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- This Payment Type is intended only to pay an agreed upon amount to a UNM employee participating in a research study.
- Royalties
- By definition, a Royalty is:
- “an amount of money that is paid to the original creator of a product, book, or piece of music based on how many copies have been sold” or;
- “an amount of money that is paid by a mining or oil company to the owner of the land the company is using”.
- Use this Payment Type for payments that meet this definition.
- As an example, University Press would pay royalties to the writers of books they are selling.
- Payments to employees are reported to Payroll for subsequent tax withholding, and inclusion on W-2.
- Attach appropriate backup to document the payment amount.
- Payments require payee approval and departmental approval.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- By definition, a Royalty is:
- Telecomm
- Used to request employee reimbursement under the UNM Cell Phone Reimbursement program.
- May also use this to submit a request for reimbursement of other specific charges incurred by an employee for UNM business purposes.
- Approval of the payee, as well as the Dean, Director or Department Head (or their delegate), is required.
- Reimbursement requests that are approved by all appropriate departmental personnel greater than 60 days after the end of the month for which the reimbursement is being requested, will be treated as additional taxable compensation to the employee.
- Applicable taxes will be withheld on next paycheck following reimbursement.
- Per IRS "accountable plan" guidelines.
The specific non-travel reimbursement and payment requests that may be submitted for UNM students and non-employees are as follows; select from the “Type” drop-down list when adding an expense:
- Athletic Game Officiating
- Typically only used by the Athletics Department, to make payments to individuals providing officiating services for athletic events.
- Service Provider Questionnaire (SPQ) is not required for this Payment Type.
- Any payments submitted for individuals who are not UNM employees are tracked for 1099 reporting.
- Dues and Fees
- Reimbursement for things such as annual membership dues to an organization can be requested via this Payment Type.
- Approval of a student being reimbursed must be documented via the “Reimbursement Approval Form” available at:
- Completed and signed form must be attached to reimbursement request.
- Non-employees (aside from students) are not required to approve.
- Goods
- Used to reimburse UNM students and non-employees for items purchased, for a University business purpose, using personal funds.
- As with all payments to students, to use this process it must be clearly shown how the payment benefits UNM directly, versus the student's education.
- If primary benefit is student’s education, process through Financial Aid.
- See Student Payment Guidelines.
- Requests over $1,000 may be allowed, but will also route to Purchasing for approval.
- Approval of a student being reimbursed must be documented via the “Reimbursement Approval Form” available at:
- Completed and signed form must be attached to reimbursement request.
- Non-employees (aside from students) are not required to approve.
- Honoraria (Non-Employee Only)
- What can be paid as an Honorarium is specifically defined by Policy
- University Administrative Policy 2170
- No payments to Employees.
- Questionable whether a student would meet the criteria.
- Only to an “individual of special achievement or renown".
- Event of short duration.
- Does Not constitute compensation commensurate with actual services provided.
- Examples are payments to guest speakers, reviewers, seminar participants, etc.
- May include reimbursement of travel expenses.
- Attach sufficient information to document payee’s status as a “person of renown".
- Payments are tracked for 1099 reporting.
- If travel expenses are not properly documented with receipts, they will be included in 1099 reportable amount.
- Honorarium payment requests to foreign nationals will route to Taxation for review and potential tax withholding.
- Approval of Dean, Director or Department Head, or their delegate, is required.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- What can be paid as an Honorarium is specifically defined by Policy
- Monetary Awards
- Only to be used for paying cash prizes/awards associated with winning a contest, drawing, etc., or in association with a documented non-academic Student Award program.
- May only be used to pay UNM students or individuals from outside UNM.
- Not for Awards to faculty or staff.
- Submit via Non-Standard Payment process.
- Not for Awards to faculty or staff.
- This Payment Type MAY NOT be used to pay for services rendered.
- Must be paid through Payroll or via Purchase Order, as appropriate based on the facts and circumstances.
- Payments are tracked for 1099 reporting.
- No payee approval required .
- Refunds
- This is used ONLY to return funds to a UNM student or non-employee individual who previously paid money to UNM.
- Refund for a ticket to an event, or tuition/fee for a class that was subsequently canceled, etc.
- Return of a security deposit.
- DO NOT use this Payment Type to reimburse a students for funds they spent out of pocket for a UNM business purpose.
- Use “Goods”, “Dues, Fees”, etc., as appropriate.
- No backup required, as long as the reason for the refund is thoroughly explained.
- Generally charge the refund to the account code to which the original payment was deposited.
- Typically a revenue account code.
- Refunds to students or non-UNM individuals require approval by the designated departmental personnel.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- This is used ONLY to return funds to a UNM student or non-employee individual who previously paid money to UNM.
- Research Study Incentives
- This Payment Type is intended only to pay an agreed upon amount to a UNM student or non-employee participating in a research study.
- Payments are tracked for 1099 reporting.
- Backup documentation should include general information about the study.
- If the study is confidential in nature, the detailed documentation can be kept in the department.
- Payments require departmental approval.
- Approval can be given via email, or within Chrome River.
- This Payment Type is intended only to pay an agreed upon amount to a UNM student or non-employee participating in a research study.
- Royalties
- By definition, a Royalty is:
- “an amount of money that is paid to the original creator of a product, book, or piece of music based on how many copies have been sold” or;
- “an amount of money that is paid by a mining or oil company to the owner of the land the company is using”.
- Use this Payment Type for payments that meet this definition.
- As an example, University Press would pay royalties to the writers of books they are selling.
- Payments are tracked for 1099 reporting.
- By definition, a Royalty is: