Non-Student Accounts Receivable Billing Process

Unrestricted Accounting has implemented the Non-Student Accounts Receivable (NSAR) functionality within Banner as a means for departments to bill non-UNM customers for goods sold or services rendered “on account”.  If your department currently bills outside customers, or may be doing so in the future, please follow these steps in order to get the appropriate billing process in place:

1)      Contact the Office of Sponsored Projects (277-4186; for a determination to be made as to whether the proposed activity meets the “Sponsored Research” or the “NSAR” criteria. Be prepared to provide a contract, purchase order, MOU, etc., documenting the details of the proposed activity.

2)      If the activity does meet the “Sponsored Research” criteria, OSP/CGA (Contract and Grant Accounting) will handle the award setup and subsequent billing, and the award paperwork will be routed via Cayuse.

3)      If the activity does not meet the “Sponsored Research” criteria, the documents will be forwarded to Purchasing for review and sign-off.  Further negotiation by Purchasing may be necessary if the terms and conditions don’t meet UNM requirements.


  1. Purchasing will sign-off and return the documents to the department.
  2. The department forwards the fully executed agreement to the outside entity (as applicable) and Unrestricted Accounting.
  3. At that point Unrestricted Accounting will work with the department for any setup and training for billing through NSAR.


In the NSAR process, departmental personnel enter charges directly into Banner, and the departmental index is immediately credited with revenue.  Unrestricted Accounting prints and mails out invoices on a monthly basis, receives, deposits and applies payments, produces aging schedules, and calculates bad debt expense.  Unrestricted Accounting also generates collection letters as applicable.

Access to use the NSAR process is given upon receiving training from Unrestricted Accounting personnel, and requesting the appropriate roles via the BAR application.

Detailed information on the process is in the User Manual.

Click here to request a new, or edit an existing, Customer or Detail Code.

For a powerpoint presentation on Banner 9 for NSAR, click here.

To make a credit card payment, please click on the link below.